side: 1) стенка, стена Ex: the sides of a box стенки ящика Ex: the sides of a house (боковые) стены дома2) _мат. сторона (фигуры) Ex: a side opposite an angle сторона, противолежащая углу3) поверхность, с
on the side: adv infml 1) My sister has affairs on the side that her husband doesn't know about — У моей сестры есть романы на стороне, о которых ее муж ничего не знает He is married but also has a fancy wo
nearest in space or position; immediately adjoining without intervening space; "had adjacent rooms"; "in the next room"; "the person sitting next to me"; "our rooms were side by side" Синонимы: adjacent, next,
closely related or associated; "a city in which communism and democracy had to live side by side"